13 June 2024

FPW Astig July Show Update #4

Hello everyone!


Another match has been added to the FPW Astig show.  The event will take place on Sunday, July 14th, 2pm at the Baked Studios in Makati City.


This blogger hasn't seen her in action yet, but Roxy Reeves is making a name for herself in Filipino Pro Wrestling.  Anytime, a woman makes it to the big stage, it's great and welcome news!  Congratulations Roxy!


After her impressive debut in FPW's last show, she will now take the next step.  She will be facing a former champion in Pinoy wrestling history, and a teacher, in Ralph Imabayashi.


Billed as a singles match featuring the Teacher versus the Student, how much as Roxy learned thus far?  Or, how much has Ralph shared in their training sessions in the FPW Academy?


We'll find out on July 14th!  For more info including tickets, please visit the FPW - Filipino Pro Wrestling page on Facebook.  Hope everyone has a great weekend ahead!

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