22 January 2024

The MWF Factory

This blogger wanted to wait until hearing the results of the MWF Factory this past weekend.


Seeing the video, and seeing the aspirants, including several women, it looked to be very successful.  


This fan has been told that it can vary from weeks to months and to possibly over a year for someone to become a wrestler.  As noted, or been said, it takes a lot to become what a Jake De Leon, Fabio Makisig, Crystal, Chelsea Marie and what the MWF locker room had to accomplish to get where they are today.


It's nice to see factories like this throughout various Southeast Asia promotions.  This fan has read numerous posts on Facebook and sees the results.  Pro Wrestling, no matter where in the world, needs to continue to grow.  Whether it's the road to WWE's NXT or the Manila Wrestling Federation, there is always a need for wrestlers, male and female!


Just the fact that numerous people took the first step.....and took part in the MWF Factory is the most important one.  Hopefully, this will be the first of many!

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