17 April 2024

FPW Astig April Show Recap

Hello everyone!


Last Sunday's Filipino Pro Wrestling show, FPW Astig was definitely entertaining according to sources who have shared their enjoyment with this blogger.  A near capacity crowd saw exciting action at the PMC Spotlight Blackbox Theater.


ABS-CBN News was there for the action and actually posted some results.  Here they are..


Mike Madrigal d. Thiago and Jan Evander to retain the FPW Championship.

Quatro and The YOLO Twins d. Cali Nueva, Evan Carleaux and James IDOL Martinez.

Duke Ortega d. Ralph Imabayashi.

Chino Guinto d. AB3.

Jeffrey d. Dax Xaviera.


I believe there was one other match.  If anyone has that, please message me and I'll add it here. 


This blogger has seen some post show footage as well as some info from fans and ABS-CBN.  


First off, hats off to the FPW Champion, Mike Madrigal.  I'm not posting this in a biased way.  It was cool that the champion offered Robynn, who was injured prior to the event, a title shot when she recovers and returns to the ring.


Being thousands of miles away, this fan realizes that, according to ABS-CBN, Red Ollero is the owner of FPW, and is the boss!


My question to those reading this is why did Red confront Mike while he was talking with Robynn?  Also, why did he get involved in the three way match with Thiago and Jan Evander?  Red's statement was "no comment" on the FPW - Filipino Pro Wrestling page on Facebook.


Honestly, this makes for a good storyline going forward.


If anyone would like to comment, please feel free to do so on the blog or on Facebook messenger.


As soon as there is an announcement on the next show, I'll post it.  Thank you. 





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