02 July 2024

TOP Dojo's Next Show

Thailand Origin Pro Wrestling (or TOP Dojo) will be having their next show on Sunday, July 7th.  The name of the show is Unleash.  The venue is the Motorway Dojo at 12:30pm.


Here is lineup of matches for the show...

Ring Of Rebirth's - Kuhan Bluestar vs. Prince Benny in a Break The Lock match in the Main Event.  The winner will receive the number one contendership to P. Nutz TOP DOJO King Of Pro Wrestling title.

??? vs. Kuma in an singles match.

Jay Yuu vs. Silver Bullet.

Ring Of Rebirth Team (Brother Bhai and JT) vs. Badcompany (P Nutz and Golen Thai).


For more information on the show, please visit the TOP Dojo - Thailand Origin Pro Wrestling page on Facebook.  Thank you.

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