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06 December 2023

Interview #15 - Mr. Geylang

My apologies if I haven't done an interview in a little while.  Have been busy and am on vacation in the Philippines while this is posted.  However, I wanted to get this interview posted.  Have been looking forward in doing this one for awhile.

The next interview is a wrestler that I've been following since Ring Of Rebirth, the newest promotion in Singapore began over a year ago.  I've done two in the promotion with The Eurasian Dragon and BGJ, two great and experienced wrestlers in the country.  Mr. Geylang is the next wrestler that this blogger had an opportunity to interview.

Mr. Geylang is still fairly new to the industry with about a year's experience.  He is quite a character for the profession which this fan loves.  Without going into a lot of detail, it's best if you check his matches out on You Tube under Ring Of Rebirth.

When reading his responses, I learned a lot more about him than what I saw on video.  All the best to him now and in the future.  This fan believes he has quite a future in the industry.  Finally, this blogger thanks Mr. Geylang for doing this.  He is very accomdodating and enjoyable.  One day soon, I hope to visit Singapore and meet the numerous wrestlers over the three promotions.  Mr Geylang is certainly high on my list.  Here is the interview.

Wayne:  When did you decide to get into pro wrestling?

Mr. Geylang: I remembered attending a live event by Singapore pro wrestling (spw) when Pete Dunne first came down to perform. I was amazed with all the matches and had a blast. Since then I decided to embark on my journey and try out pro wrestling.

Wayne: Who was your favorite wrestler that you followed when you first started watching wrestling?

Mr Geylang: My most favourite wrestler would have to be Randy Orton.

Wayne: Do you have a favorite promotion that you follow? It could be local, international or both.

Mr. Geylang: As I mostly watch WWE, that would have to be my most favourite promotion. However since I started my pro wrestling journey, I have branched out to watching other promotions to study and learn more about the craft to see if I can add it into my matches.

Wayne: In the short time you have wrestled, what was the most important match that you were involved in?

Mr. Geylang: The most important match to me would have to be when I vs BJG to a public caning match. As BGJ and I started out our pro wrestling journey around the same time back in SPW as trainee and became friends. That match might be short but it was brutal mainly due to the caning at the end which pushed my pain tolerance to a whole new level. Seeing the fans enjoying the caning and doing it with one of my friends makes it an important match to me.

Wayne: How would you like to see Ring of Rebirth grow as a company?

Mr. Geylang: I would like to see ROR grow to the point where we can sustain having live event out of the training Center and more fans coming to enjoy themselves.

Wayne: Would you like to wrestle for ROR at another promotions show in Singapore and/or another Southeast Asia country?

Mr. Geylang: I would love the opportunity to perform for SPW as well as other promotions around the region and eventually USA. I just hope to wrestle as many matches I can especially with my surgically repaired knee due to an injured from wrestling training.   

PWL Super Show Update #3

Hello everyone!   There have been several updates regarding the PWL Super Show coming up on Friday, February 14th in Australia.   Matt Hayte...