07 March 2024

New Breed 2 Results

Hello everyone!


Here are the results from Malaysia Pro Wrestling's event, New Breed 2.  The event was held last weekend.  Thank you to Malaysia Pro Wrestling for the results!


Singles Match
D (Grapplemax) vs. KAIZUL
Winner: KAIZUL by pinfall.
Tag Match
Cornelius LOW & ‘Blazing’ Raj vs. Daniel Cocksworth & Rory Holmes.
Winners: Cornelius LOW & ‘Blazing’ Raj by pinfall.
Singles Match: Miles Karu vs. Zhan Wen
Winner: Zhan Wen by pinfall.
Impromptu Singles Match: Zhan Wen vs. Matty Romano
Winner: Zhan Wen by pinfall.
MYPW Southeast Asia championship Match: Da Butcherman vs. The Wonderboy(c)
Winner: The Wonderboy by pinfall.
New Breed 2 Invitational Rumble Match:
Winner & facing The Wonderboy at next event: Endboss GREGORY (Grapplemax).
Singles Match: Thommy Ardhi vs. Emman Azman.
Winner: Thommy Ardhi by pinfall.
MYPW World Championship match contested in Falls Count Anywhere rules: The Statement-Andruew Tang vs. Carlo Cannon (c)
Winner: Carlo Cannon by pinfall.

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