27 May 2024

The FPW Champion's Next Possible Opponent

Mike Madrigal, the Filipino Pro Wrestling champion, has done, pretty much, everything a champion has done in his time as the title holder.


He has taken on all comers with the exception of Robynn who was unfortunately injured before the last show.  A Triple Threat Match would take its place. 


This blogger has been reading comments in Facebook on who possibly should be his next opponent.


If Robynn is fully healthy, "The Walking Death", am told, should give her the title match that she deserves.  Mike announced this himself during the last Astig show in April.


If not, there are certainly some qualifiers, some are wrestlers.  And then, there is Red Ollero.


This blogger wasn't at the show but am told things are heating up in FPW.  There was the Triple Threat match between Madrigal against Jan Evander against Thiago.  A reel that was posted had Red on the ring apron, then in the ring with what looked like a "chicken wing" on Madrigal.  Mike got out of the way and Thiago, coming off the ropes, "accidently" clobbered Red with his right foot.  Red wouldn't be of help during the remainder of the match.  The Walking Death would go on to win the match and retain the FPW Championship.


There could be a title match with Mike and Ralph Imabayashi.  That match could be a good one.  Also, Mike could go up against Chino Guinto or Duke Ortega.  There are several opponents that are possibilities.  Dax Xaviera, Evan Carleaux and several others are possibilities.


The thought of Red Ollero enters the picture.  I don't know how the fan base would feel about it.  All this fan knows is things could be heating up in the weeks upcoming.   


This blogger is not a match maker.  However, there are several possibilities.  Let's see what happens.

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