20 November 2023

NTW Results Form November 18th

Here are the results from New Taiwan Wrestling's show that took place this past Saturday, November 18th.



First trial
(O) 剛田魁 <07:09 Spinbuster>Alex Cool (X)
2nd trial
(O) Sky<07:30 Dick Slam> Karas (X)
The third trial - the king of the south will decide to fight
(O) Black Ho <09:02 Tank bomb drop > Saka(X)
(Black Ho player becomes the new generation leader of the South Pang Army).
4th Test - Singles Championship Challenger Qualifying
(O) Lucifer <12:35 Diving Senton> 鬼狼 (X)
(Lucifer player qualified for the challenge and named to challenge NTW undifferentiated singles title).
Master try together
(O) 殭屍龍(MKW)<13:11 Guillotine Legdrop>The Joker (X)

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