09 November 2023

ROR #2 Recap

Just got done a couple of days ago watching Ring Of Rebirth's latest show.  It is ROR Wrestling #2.  For those wondering, the show can be viewed on You Tube.  You can also subscribe to Ring Of Rebirth by clicking the SUBSCRIBE box.


I was impressed by two wrestlers in the segment at the Goldpine Industrial Building.  Aerial Sniper Nyc has impressed me, especially since coming to Ring Of Rebirth.  He took on a larger opponent in Gotham.  The match was happening both in and out of the ring.  Fans need to watch the match for themselves.  Let's just say that Nyc had an impressive match.


Speaking of Nyc, he will be representing Ring Of Rebirth at an upcoming TOP Dojo show in Thailand near the end of the month.  Will have more on this in a future post. 


The other match on this segment was Varum Khanna and Brother Bhai.  In ROR Wrestling #1, the former tag team partners were not on the same page as The Big Bad Boyz in their title match for the VPW Tag Team Championship.  It led to a singles match to what normally settles the score.


Unfortunately it didn't.  Varun, definitely stronger than he was last year, took the match to Brother Bhai.  It ended up a DQ win for him, not exactly the way he would have wanted it.  However, I don't believe the score has nearly been settled yet.  


There was an added segment.  Brownie Suplex. a new sponsor, had an eating competition between Ahmad Arif against BGJ w/The Eurasian Dragon.  This took place between the two matches.


From what I saw on the video, I believe everyone there had a good time.  If you don't believe me, please check both ROR Wrestling #1 and #2.  ROR Wrestling #3 will be out soon.

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