21 November 2023

Now Officlal!

In the last post, this fan mentioned that there may be a possible tag team title match for the upcoming MWF show.


Now, it is official!  The World Underground Wrestling Tag Team Titles will be on the line at the 2023 Manila Wrestling Federation Noche Buena show.  The date is Sunday, December 3rd at the PMC Spotlight Theater in Circuit Makati.


The team of Umezawa and Sansyu from Japan,  the WUW Tag Team Champions will take on Saint John Martin and Ken Cifer in what will be another great match on the show.


Unfortunately, I don't have very much info on the tag team champions.  Sansyu debuted in pro wrestling back in November 2007 (16 years ago.).


Umezawa's career, I believe, goes back to March 2010 from what this fan has found.  Definitely, the two are experienced in the ring. 


Definitely, this will be a great test for Saint John Martin and Ken Cifer, both with WUW - Philippines.


Regarding tickets, once again, there are just a few General Admission tickets left for the show.  However, as always, please do not take my word for it.  Please check the Manila Wrestling Federation - MWF page on Facebook for more information.  Thanks again.    

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