17 November 2023

MWF: Hong Kong-Philippine Alliance Cup Match

On Sunday, December 3rd at Manila Wrestling Federation's Noche Buena, there will be a new event for the first time.

A three way match between Michael Su and Bitman from Hong Kong and Joey Rosas with MWF will take place at the PMC Spotlight Theater in one of the major matches on the show.  The Hong Kong-Philippine Alliance Cup will be awarded to the winner for the first time.


For Joey Rosas, this is definitely a great opportunity and his biggest match to date.  In August, after several months as Pink Shirt, he defeated Isaiah Valencia at the 2023 Road To Fate show to make the main roster.

Last month, at a seven man Battle Royal event at the Todos Los Wrestling show in Mandaluyong, he outlasted six other wrestlers and defeated the final wrestler, CJ Serafin to be MWF's representative.


Joey has continued to train hard since making the roster.  The message seen on social media is that he's taking this opportunity seriously.


For Michael Su and Bitman, both wrestlers have been in big matches before in Hong Kong and throughout Asia.  Both wrestlers were trained by Ho Ho Lun.  He will be wrestling in the December 3rd show and in a Number One Contender's match against Rex Lawin.


Both wrestlers are 30 years old with Bitman, I believe, a little taller in height but both well built. Bitman has wrestled a little bit longer.


Recently, Bitman wrestled in China and won the KOPW Title over Black Dragon in early November, no small feat.


Michael Su's last match was a three way match for the vacant AWGC Junior Heavyweight Title against Ricky Marvin and Mikey Man.  Marvin ended up winning the title in late October in Hong Kong.  


Some fans may believe that Joey might be over his head in this kind of match.  However, this fan looks at this a bit differently.  Three way matches in pro wrestling are always interesting.  Usually, it is with a title on the line.  This time, it is for the inaugural cup so the stakes are definitely higher.  Also, from watching the recent Battle Royal against six other competitors, Joey handled himself well winning on his own.


Bitman and Michael Su know each other well since they were trained by the same mentor.  They wrestled in an MWF ring before in 2019 at the MWF Republika event as a tag team.


Since this cup goes to one winner, it will be interesting how this turns out.

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