Hello everyone!
My apologies on this being late. There was a mat-type event in Singapore the weekend of Saturday/Sunday, December 21-22 called Graveyard Shift. It was held at The Glass Dome in Singapore. Thanks to a couple of PUSO Wrestling wrestlers, this blogger is able to get some results of the two day event.
Also, the blogger understood that this was a low key event. However, the organizer said that the focus was to bring new fans into wrestling. Just saying here...
On the Sunday show, Super P and Miss Selina match with a woman referee was the first time that a wrestling show, I believe in Southeast Asia, had three women in the ring.
Without any further mention, here are some results (though I know this is still incomplete). I know that Jake De Leon and El Kapitunero appeared and wrestled in the show. Thank you to the wrestlers involved.
Saturday, December 21st:
Super H and Super P d. Miss Selena and Riky Malek.
Sunday, December 22nd:
Miss Selina d. Super P.