19 February 2024

MWF Kasaysayan Show Update #3

Since last posting on the MWF Kasaysayan show, there have been two matches added.  The event will be held on Sunday, April 14th at 4:30pm at the UP Film Institute Media Center.


Both matches will feature stars from the Manila Wrestling Federation and Kyushu Pro Wrestling in Japan.


Tajiri and Fabio Makisig will take on Aso-San and Jomar.


Saint John Martin and Ken Cifer (C) vs. Naoki Sakurajima and Hitamaru Sasaki for the WUW Tag Team Championship.


This show is lining up to be one of the best, if not the best shows ever in the Philippines.  For more on the show, including tickets, please check the ticket2me.net website as well as the Manila Wrestling - MWF page on Facebook.  Thank you.   

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