20 February 2024

VPW: Spring Bash Update #1

There is one official match that has been made for Vietnam Pro Wrestling's show, Spring Bash.  The event takes place on Saturday, March 16th at the VAIB Studio
(37 Forbidden Literature, Nan Kieng, D7) beginning at 7pm.


Venomshank, the VPW Tag Team Champions will face The Juicy Boyz.  The team is made up of Miles Kara and The Wonderboy from Malaysia Pro Wrestling.  Miles Kara is making a successful return to the ring after a knee injury suffered last year.  The Wonderboy is the current Malaysia National WrestleCon Champion.


The other match is unofficial right now but will mention it briefly.  The Guerrilla Games match will feature Team Taurus versus Vortex Rebellion.  Will share more on this in a future post.


For more information including tickets, please visit the Vietnam Pro Wrestling page on Facebook.  Thank you.

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