19 February 2024

MYPW: New Breed Update


Hello everyone.  Malaysia Pro Wrestling's next show, New Breed II will take place on Saturday, March 2nd.  The venue is the KuAsh Theater TTDI.  Doors open at 5pm with the show beginning at 6pm.


Here is an update of the matches lined up so far:


Kaizul vs. D.

Zhan Wen vs. Miles Karu in a singles match.

The Wonderboy (C) vs. Da Butcherman for the MYPW National Wrestlecon Championship.

10 man Invitational Rumble.  The winner will receive a shot at the MYPW National Wrestlecon Championship.  Jack Alexander, Endboss Gregory (Grapplemax), Kaizul, Syawal (have entered).

Emman Azman vs. Thommy Ardhi in a singles match.

Carlo Cannon (C) vs. The Statement Andruew Tang for the MYPW World Championship.

Cornelius Low and Blazing Raj vs. Daniel Cocksworth and Daniel Holmes.

The event will celebrate 10 years of pro wrestling in Malaysia!  For more information on the show and tickets, please visit the Malaysia Pro Wrestling page on Facebook.  Thank you.

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