22 December 2023

Filipino Pro Wrestling Notes

Wanted to share some info regarding Filipino Pro Wrestling for this next post.


First off, this blogger would like to thank Red Ollero, the MWF staff and the FPW locker room for a successful year one of FPW Astig.  I had the opportunity to watch all the episodes of FPW Astig like all of the fans on You Tube.  It was well produced and really enjoyed the commentary of all the matches.


Certainly, seeing how the FPW Championship unfolded was really cool.  Congratulations to Mike Madrigal on winning the first FPW Championship.  Also, congratulations to everyone on the FPW roster for making season one a successful one.  I feel, along with Red, the FPW locker room, staff and the majority of fans, that Filipino Pro Wrestling is cautious and doing things the right way.


Seeing the last FPW Astig show in August was special for this fan.  The matches were exciting, particularly the Mike Madrigal-Duke Ortega and the Ralph Imabayashi-Robbie Eagles matches.  Definitely, the show was entertaining and important, especially when earlier in the week, the pro wrestling world lost two iconic wrestlers.


I'm told that Filipino Pro Wrestling will resume likely in February 2024 with another series of shows.  I don't want to mention the date until told to.  Hopefully, the FPW and Pinoy wrestling fans will look forward to another season of exciting action.

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