29 December 2023

Final Thoughts On FPW Astig

This blogger and wrestling fan has some final thoughts in 2023 on Filipino Pro Wrestling, one of three wrestling promotions in the Philippines.


To begin with, the company began operations in October 2022 with a few wrestlers who had performed with Philippine Wrestling Revolution, a company whom was founded in late 2013.  The company, because of the pandemic, closed in September 2022.


Because this fan loves wrestling, and this is a Southeast Asia wrestling blog, FPW deserves more posts than it has been getting.  Moving forward, the company began with their first show on October 16.  It turned out to be the beginning of a series of shows called FPW Astig.  The first show was called FPW: Unfinished Business.


Red Ollero, in my opinion, has done a great job with getting Filipino Pro Wrestling off the ground. The promotion is starting cautiously and slowly, but most everyone feels this is the correct way.


Back to FPW Astig, the shows from October 2022 through the August show in 2023, were held at the PMC Spotlight Theater in Circuit Makati.  Following the Unfinished Business show and another in November, there were seven FPW: Astig shows.  Several of the shows would have a tournament to see who would be the first FPW Champion.  That turned out to be Mike Madrigal.


Madrigal won a three way final on April 22nd by defeating Cali Nueva and "The Best Pure Wrestler"- Ralph Imabayashi, certainly two deserving wrestlers, to win the belt.  Madrigal has successfully defended the belt twice against Cali Nueva and Duke Ortega.


This fan was curiously wondering why results were hard to come by.  Well, I found out the reason.


While on vacation in the Philippines in August, on Sunday, August 27th, I attended my first Filipino Pro Wrestling show.  Following one of the matches, Red Ollero announced that the FPW Astig series would be aired on You Tube beginning on Thursday, September 14th.  There would be two matches each week for 10 weeks with the FPW Championship Match as the final match of the series.


Right now, this fan is assuming that there will be more video from the July and August shows on You Tube sometime in the future.  Certainly from the show I saw in August, it was a highlight in itself with some great matches that took place.


From what is on the blog, several wrestlers were accommodating on doing interviews with this blogger.  Though right now, it is a quiet time of the year due to the Christmas holidays, am sure that training is going on to get ready for the 2024 season.  


Am told as of right now that Filipino Pro Wrestling's next show will likely take place in February and at the PMC Spotlight Theater once again.  With what has been happening with World Underground Wrestling - Philippines and the Manila Wrestling Federation in 2023, the 2024 season will be a successful year for all three promotions.


And why not!       

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