30 December 2023

Final Thoughts For 2023

This fan and blogger cannot wait for 2024 to arrive.  The momentum with pro wrestling in Southeast Asia is a very positive and encouraging one right now in the region.  Most countries and promotions have had very successful shows throughout 2023.


From the Philippines to Hong Kong to Thailand to Singapore and more, shows were selling out in venues.  


Current wrestling promotions would stream or have their shows on television for the first time in years.


A Chris Jericho podcast would feature two promotions in Southeast Asia for the first time.


There was a promotion in one country making its successful debut over a 10 month calendar stretch.  The same promotion would follow by showing their shows over a 10 week time frame on You Tube.


There would be two - four way women's matches, in two different shows, with two different promotions in the same country.  Though, as difficult as it is finding women to wrestle, both promotions were able to pull it off!  In both cases, the fans who were present at the shows, showed their appreciation.  This fan was fortunate to be at both of the events!


Pro Wrestling Illustrated, now a global magazine, has recognized several wrestlers from the region.  That is a good sign of things to come.


In a couple of countries, things are still somewhat slow in recovery from the pandemic.  However, there is progress with the promotions as the year is coming to an end.


With 2024 arriving soon, things will continue to improve.  Numerous promotions are recognizing and seeing it.  The fan bases of the different promotions in different countries are noticing it and this fan feels it from the various social media pages.


One thing worth adding.  Since the new blog began in October, over 5,000 people and 137 countries have read at least one post.  This is more than what this blogger would have ever imagined.  Thank you for making this possible.


Hopefully, the fans who read this, whatever country one lives in, has an opportunity to see a show in your area in 2024.  The promotions are doing everything they can to make pro wrestling entertaining as possible.  All I can say it please check it out!


Happy New Year and a safe 2024 everyone!         

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