22 October 2023

An Upcoming Star

Simon Siah taking it to Big Dave, Grapplemax Pro Wrestling Openweight Champion.

This blogger watches a lot of wrestling on video, mostly You Tube and sometimes Gank and Rock Of Manila TV in the Philippines.  Certainly, the wrestling scene in Southeast Asia is inspiring.


There is an up and coming wrestler, Simon Siah who performs for Grapplemax Pro Wrestling in Singapore.  Watching a few videos of him, like a few future stars in Grapplemax such as Jordan and Christian, Simon works hard at his craft.


Each time he goes for a workout in Singapore, this fan saw a video where Simon comes from a neighboring country, Malaysia.  This definitely speaks volumes for someone that loves this industry.  You can tell he wants be among the top stars in the promotion.


I've watched videos of him against Singapore's Openweight Champion, Big Dave.  Despite a weight disadvantage, Simon held his own.  The fight to win was definitely there.


There was also a three way battle for the Wrestle Square Cruiserweight Championship.  Simon handled himself against both Christian and Jordan.  Jordan prevailed to win the championship.  However, Simon held his own again.


During the year, Simon has defeated the likes of Crypto Bro LK.  Just this past weekend, he beat Endboss Gregory, one of the greats in Singapore pro wrestling history.  It will be interesting who his next opponent will be.


Hopefully, he doesn't mind the write-up and possibly more on an exciting star in this industry.  In the very near future, I'll share more on some stars such as Jordan and Christian.        

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