30 October 2023

TOP Dojo - Battle Of The Clans Results

Here are the results from Thailand Origin Pro Wrestling's show, Battle Of The Clans.  The event took place on October 29th at the Motorway Dojo.  Thank you to Thailand Origin Pro Wrestling for posting the results.


Flame Drake - TOP Dojo (Revo. Squad) vs WASSANA (Free Clan)
- WASSANA won on a 3 count press in 12.50 minutes with Flush Jet.
Prince Benny - TOP Dojo (Revo. Squad) vs JayYuu"TOPdojo (Revo. Squad) vs Silver Bullet TOP Dojo (KAIJU)
- SILVERBULLET wins on 3 count in 16.00 minutes with King Kong Lariat.
King of Thai Wrestling Tournament
Block A
EARTH (Bad Company) vs KUMA - TOP Dojo (KAIJU)
- KUMA won on a press of 3 count in 14.00 minutes with Feral Nature.
Block B
GoLem Thai (Bad Company) vs P-Nutz (Bad Company)
- P-Nutz wins on 3 count in 28.30 with the Axe Bomber.
Score summary
Block A
- Flame Drake : 6
- Prince Benny : 2
- KUMA : 4
- Wassana : Out
- Earth : 0
Block B
- P-Nutz : 6
- BOBBY : 0
- Silver Bullet : 2
- Golm Thai : 2
- Jay Yuu : Out

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