22 October 2023

VPW: Brawl Hallows Eve Results

Here are the results from Vietnam Pro Wrestling's event, Brawl Hallows' Eve.  The event took place on Saturday, October 21st at the VAIB Studio.


Congratulations to Venomshank and to Rocky Huynh on becoming the VPW Tag Team and VPW Openweight Champions respectively.  


Since we need to be professional here, any questions on this blogger's whereabouts, please message me.  I do not want any comments on this post.  If there are, they will be removed and there will be consequences forthcoming.  Thank you.


D. Austin d. Chi Bao.

An D d. Bobby w/Billy

Kira d. Damien Wolfe and KPY in the Three Way Scramble.

The Mystic Warriors d. The Cult.

Venomshank d. The Big Bad Boyz (C), The Natural Classics and Phong Tran and Hy Draco.  Venomshank is the new VPW Tag Team Champions.

Rocky Huynh d. Ares (C) and is now, a two time VPW Openweight Champion.  

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