25 October 2023

Ring Of Rebirth One Plus Years Later

Last year, when doing the blog, this fan came along a new promotion in Singapore.  Ring Of Rebirth would become the third wrestling promotion in the country.


I had an opportunity to message The Eurasian Dragon about the new promotion.  Certainly, there would be challenges getting this started.  Already in the country was Singapore Pro Wrestling and Grapplemax Pro Wrestling Singapore.  However, The Eurasian Dragon had and still has a vision for the company.


Doing the shows in a studio format was great!  It reminded this fan of the early days back in The Territory Era.  I remember locally the days of Friday Night Wrestling in a television studio.  A little more recent was Gordon Solie with the NWA out of Atlanta, Georgia with the Superstation TBS when cable television was getting off the ground.


The first ROR show was called Press Start that took place in July 2022.  The venue was the Goldpine Industrial Building.  There were four matches including a Passport Match, something very creative.  Ring Of Rebirth has put all of their shows on You Tube.  All that wrestling fans need to do is to subscribe and to watch the shows.


Wrestlers from outside the area have appeared on the shows.  Aaron O'Malley, The Wonderboy, Ho Ho Lun and Duncan Solaire are among those.  Also, wrestlers from the other two promotions have appeared.  In fact, several ROR wrestlers have appeared in SPW shows and have helped out there.


Early this year, in March, ROR sponsored a two day series of matches with the Dragon Gate promotion going up against the Singapore All Stars with a positive success coming out of it.


In June, a team known as The Big Bad Boyz with The Eurasian Dragon and BGJ went to Vietnam and wrestled.  Despite an injury, The Eurasian Dragon competed.  The team won the Vietnam Pro Wrestling tag team championships.  They held the titles for over 120 days and defended it several times.  Though losing it in a fatal four way match in Vietnam last Saturday, the team held the belts with honor.  If it didn't put Ring Of Rebirth on the map before, it did now.


The roster has improved in the months since July 2022.  Seeing Aerial Sniper Nyc on video for the first time was great.  Looking forward to seeing him help the promotion. 


Early this week, Ring Of Rebirth began their second year with the first of several shows on You Tube.  There is a slight change to the program.  The title of the shows will be called RoR Wrestling.  The first show that is airing now is called RoR Wrestling #1.


The Eurasian Dragon has a lot of creativity with the shows right now.  It will be very interesting what we will see in year two.  All this fan can say is please support Ring Of Rebirth and continue watching!         

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