22 October 2023

Grapplemax - Amplify Results

Here are the results this blogger has from Grapplemax Pro Wrestling Singapore's show, Amplify.  The event took place on Saturday, October 21st at their studio.  I'm not certain if these are the full results.  If someone, who reads my blog regularly sees something missing, please message me and I will add it here.


One of my social media accounts is blocked right now and am working frantically in getting it fixed.  Thank you to 'X' for the results that you have.


Joses d. Shawn Phang.

Kelvin and Shaun P. Diddy d. Prabu and Jullian w/Showtime.

Simon Siah d. Endboss Gregory.

Christian and Sarah d. Ban Sachak and Ryan.

Big Dave (C) d. "Wildfire" Remus for the Grapplemax Openweight Championship.

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